The information provided in this web siteis protected by intellectual property legislation. These property rights, graphic design, codes belong to Almería County Council.
Reproduction, distribution, marketing or non authorized transformation constitutes an intellectual property right infiringement of these entities.
Also all trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the portal are protected by law. The unauthorized information use or damages caused to intellectual /industrial property rights, can lead legally actions and responsabilities.
To reproduce the information web in an authorized form, it is necessary to cited source and/or author.
Personal data treatment through this site is subjet to the Spanish Organic Law 15/1999, dated 13th December,concerning Personal Data Protection. For this purpose it will apply considerations listed in 'Privacy policy' on this web.
The criteria followed by Almería County Council with personal data use you provide freely and voluntarily through the offered services,are included in the "Privacy Policy" of this web.
Almeria County Council will develop the precise efforts to avoid errors and, in its case, to repair them or to update them as soon as possible, without being able to guarantee its non existence, and not that the information content is updated permanently. If it finds some error, please notify it to us to:
Almeria County Council will be able to carry out, in any moment and without previous notice, modifications and updates on the information contained in this Web or in its configuration or presentation. The conditions and terms that are gathered in the present Legal Notice can change, therefore we invite you to check these terms when you visit again our web site.
Website access, as well as the information use contained therein, are the sole responsibility user. Almeria County Council is not liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may arise from the use of this website or its contents, including damage to computer systems and virus introduction, with the exception of any actions resulting from the implementation of legal provisions.
Information provided through this web site by contacts response or suggestions, or derived from any database, is merely indicative and in any case it may be binding to resolution of administrative procedures, which shall be exclusively subject to the regulations.With the exception of those documents signed electronically, having consideration of electronic document in accordance with Law 59/2003, of 19 December, electronic signature, for which shall have the same legal effect in accordance with such rule.
Almeria County Council does not assume any responsibility derived from connection or third part links contents referred on this web site.